Thursday, June 4, 2020

Secrets of excellence in studying and exams

Any student can become successful and superior and one of the best students in the school by using these simple and easy ways to learn the vocabulary of new foreign words, methods of fruitful discussion, and the fastest techniques to complete homework in the best way.

1. The desire to excel: The student must have the desire to be one of the best students in the school. Otherwise, he may not succeed in achieving distinction among his classmates.

2. Classification of the subjects to good, medium and bad: The student must classify his items and know his strengths and weaknesses, and make a list in which he distinguishes between the subjects in which his level may be useful, average, or perhaps wrong.

3. Discover the weaknesses and the teacher's question: If the student is not right in the English language, for example, he should repeat the review of lessons at home and solve the homework and homework again. If he doesn't understand the issues raised, the best thing to do in this case is to ask the teacher or the teacher in the school about what he did not understand.

4. Prepare lessons in advance: If the student wants to improve his vocal performance in the classroom, he should take a look at the upcoming lessons and take an idea about them and prepare them as possible in advance, before the teacher gives them and the students discuss them in the class, and thus the student can discuss. And the student should not worry if he said something wrong during the discussion, the important thing is to participate in the oral arguments.

5. Evaluating the level continuously and making observations: It is useful for the student to assess his level in every exercise and every lesson so that he writes, for example: good, medium or bad, to return to it later and improve his weaknesses, according to what the "WikiHow" website mentioned.

6. Reviewing weaknesses in separate cards: As for learning new foreign vocabulary, exercises, or information in which the student's level is average or wrong, he must write them individually on cards and review and repeat them continuously so that he can learn them. Also, he should not start with that one day before the exam but must take advantage of the time before the exam.

7. Repetition daily: For active learning of the new foreign vocabulary, for example, the student must learn ten vocabulary words every day and review daily what has been discovered to establish in his mind, and start early in this learning process because it requires a long time.

8. Learning in a quiet place: While learning, the student should pay attention to being in a calm environment away from music and the like.

9. Test the extent of the firmness of the information in mind: If the student was asked nine times in separate times about a single meaning or a foreign word, for example, then he knew it and gave a correct answer each time, it can be assumed that this information will remain in his mind for a long time.

10. An arranged table helps focus: While solving homework and homework, make sure that the student's desk or table is neat, elegant, and free from distractions that may distract and reduce focus.

11. Rest is essential for stimulation and renewal of activity: It is necessary for the student to take rest from time to time while performing homework or to read something different from the homework topic.

12. Not forgetting homework: Writing cautionary notes about homework that the student has not yet accomplished so that he does not forget them over time, and so that their failure to perform does not affect the student's level.

Steav168 Author: Steav168

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