Thursday, June 4, 2020

The best books of time management and productivity increase 2020

I know that you like to read and that you also want to improve your habits to become a better person, ask me how you know ... because here you are looking for the best books on time management, organization, and productivity increase.

It never matters what you do in this life:
A student in high school or university and want to use your time correctly.
An entrepreneur is looking for ways to increase your productivity and give you work and home.
An employee is looking for different time management methods so that you can enjoy a more extended time with your family.
You and your mother want to organize your time between home and work and your project.
Whatever field you work in or the goals you seek to achieve, you will find here in the list of the best books on managing, organizing time and increasing productivity, what will benefit you, and help you achieve those goals.

On this list, you will find books that enable you to:
Knowing the most important habits that are successful and how you apply them in your working life.
How to make anything you make a habit you do consistently, and how to get rid of bad habits.
How to quickly and adequately prioritize your priorities.
Understand yourself and how to plan your day in a way that suits you.
Create a complete, practical planning system for all the tasks you want to perform.
How to immerse yourself in a specific job and focus on it until you finish it.
And other excellent information and strategies, bearing in mind that this list of the best books on time management and productivity organization is for expert authors with experience and sales in this field.
In every book I mention to you, you will get to know me:
The idea behind the book.
A quick summary of the author.
The most important information you will learn from the book.
Before reading, you should know the following:

Most of these books are available in Arabic in many libraries.
I chose to put all the original editions by their names so that I could give each author his due.
Some sources offer this book for free in PDF format, which I did not put here to preserve the rights of authors and publishing houses because I do not know if the author allowed this or not.
My advice to you is to get the original copy of the books that catch your eye.

1- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
One of the most popular books on time management and productivity, which many successful people consider one of the books that everyone should read on earth.
About the author: Stephen R. Covey
This book is not just mere ideas; it is the product of many personal and business experiences that the author has undertaken, whether with individuals, families, or companies.
The author was one of the experts in the field of business management and improving the productive capacities of companies, as he was a personal trainer for many prominent figures of his time, and he has many publications and training programs.
In this book, you will find:
Habits that make you healthy from the inside by having the mindset that makes you work effortlessly.
The second habit, "Start from the end", will make you think completely differently about any project or business you want to do.
How do you say the word "no" and how this simple word might change your life.
How to think about competing with individuals or with the customs and traditions of the society in the right way.
How to deal with those around you to gain their trust and support, and thus remove many of the burdens in your work.
How to renew your activity and recharge the stimuli that made you start your project or business, and that will keep you continuing to the end.
And other great information and ideas, which anyone who was looking for time management and increased productivity must know and apply it in his daily life.
Also read: Time Management Tips 2020 (Work less and play more)
I did not elaborate on the seven habits mentioned by the author here, because I want you to read them yourself, and I want you to focus heavily on the second and sixth habit.
Link to get the book:

2- Time Management Book
One of the best books on time management and productivity increases, which you will find with some information and advice from someone who knows your circumstances well and what you are going through as if living with you.
About the author: The scholar Dr. Ibrahim Al-Feki

There is no need to talk about Dr. Ibrahim Al-Faqi - may God have mercy on him - and his experiences and capabilities in the field of psychology and neural programming, as he is one of the most pioneers in this field.
There is also no need to emphasize the magnificence of his style and the abundance of his information, and the simple, practical methods he devised to help people all over the world change their lives for the better.
There is also no need to recall that Dr. Ibrahim Al-Faqi has many books that have achieved great success, and you may have read his book "The Power of Your Subconscious," which is one of his most famous novels.
In this book, you will find:
What do we mean by saying time management and some misconceptions about it?
The right way to manage time and increase productivity is what works for you.
How to formulate your ideas and write down regularly and the impact on your mind.
How to set a time plan for your goals.
How to prioritize, and it is one of the biggest obstacles standing in the way of anyone seeking to increase their productivity.
And other advice and strategies that many people need, so I strongly advise you to buy this beautiful book and start implementing everything in it.
Link to get the book:

3- Getting Things Done
One of the most popular time management, time management, and productivity books, which trains the reader to use all the tools around him in organizing his day in purely practical ways.
One of the best sayings I have found in this book is, "Your mind is a tool for making ideas, not memorizing them." This saying is the spirit of this book that the writer tries to deliver to you.
About the author: David Allen
He is one of the most famous authors in the field of time management and productivity increase, and he works as a consultant for many institutions and institutions to assist them in developing training systems and programs to improve and increase production.
In this book, you will find:
A complete time management system, this is the purpose of this book.
The importance of having a specific place for you (notebook - application - program) to collect your ideas and arrange them correctly.
How to reduce the time allotted for planning, because the time you plan is the time that you do not use it at work.
How to review the tasks required of you at specific times to ensure the effectiveness of the system that you set for yourself.
How to rest and recharge your energy.
This book is one of the most practical books on time management and productivity increase, which I recommend anyone to get a copy of it and read it in full.
Note: God willing, we will soon publish a complete guide on the best tools and applications that help you to organize time and increase productivity. For this, we have continuously followed so that you do not miss this guide.
Link to get the book:

Steav168 Author: Steav168

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