Thursday, June 4, 2020

Methods of teaching the child at home and preparing your child to enter the school

If the mother is the first teacher in the child's life, then she must be armed with a lot and many methods that enable her to make her child understand the necessary information that is appropriate for his age and to include what is in line with the child's environment, it is not logical, for example, to teach the child a language that he will not use in One day, the same instance of the knowledge a child acquires.

The knowledge of a person is divided into his entire life into three crucial stages, the first of which is: The early stage, which is the most important in the child's life, which is from the first day until two years, and at this stage the mother is the closest. It is genuinely the first teacher of the child, then the second stage comes, and it is a stage that early childhood overlaps with the beginning of school learning and the last scene from the age of seven years until the end of life.

Thus, the mother is genuinely the first school and every mother can increase the knowledge of her children through reading, as it is the primary source to give the child information and satisfy his passion, and every mother can link her children to the book and to science considerably, so science is not only within the walls of schools, so through seven steps we can teach our children, namely:

You are the first source:
If you are keen that your children learn, you must bear in mind that your children do not need to be surrounded by books, school bags and exams to learn, real education is not only by talking about historical facts and solving mathematical problems, learning is the interaction with life and continues throughout life, The processes of analysis, questions and discussion result in the child learning new things that remain in his memory forever and give him practical application to reality and the problems he faces in his life.
There is a vast world of questions from questions and places, and there are billions of people living abroad. Try to expose your son to as much as possible life experiences. This will increase their ability to learn and adapt, and it will raise the child's awareness. The child will not make such gains in the school where The community is full of living experiences in front of them, and it has many colors and patterns that provide many and many lectures to speak and study of people's natures and the skills they contain.

Teach your child the importance of libraries and books:
Libraries contain invaluable selected sources of books and archives that contain vast amounts of stunning and staggering information, all of this information only looks to be collected by someone from among the pages of books. It is desirable if your child helped in receiving this information by a specialized professional who can encourage the child in the pursuit of Learning Many intellectuals and scholars around the world tell about their success stories. They never deny the merits of the first books in their lives, even if cheap books for children are carefully selected. Through this accessible method, they were able to learn...

Teach your child to explore the world as the opportunity arises:
Exploring the world around us is the first step in a person's discovery of his knowledge. The child explores himself and does not acknowledge the subjective experiences of the parents given to them effortlessly. Every child seeks self-learning, so when you are with him or travel with your child, whether this is a daily hike or a long journey that will continue for a longer time, you can take advantage of this opportunity to teach your children a lot and a lot, you can teach them On the history, biology, and biographies of celebrities, diverse cultures, customs and traditions, these trips increase the child's curiosity, develop communication and speaking capabilities, and also increase the child's awareness and understanding of his community and his environment. The child whose parents allow him to discover what is around him contributes significantly to his increase...

Teach your child every day:
This may seem tedious, but daily activities can open the door to the shutter to learn new lessons and experiences, for example, as you prepare some pies, you can teach your child arithmetic, science, and nutrition, and some light soccer games can be used to explain Statistics, history, and teamwork. Make sure that the source of its small information comes from you and you, and under your supervision, especially about its age.

Give your child a dose of culture:
Show your child as much artistic and social activities as possible, such as museums, zoos, historical sites, and other cultural events such as plays, guide parties, and drawing exhibitions. Children will find that these activities are more enjoyable than staying in the school seat most of the day, in addition to that this will cause Raise their thinking horizons, and this will affect the enrichment of their hobbies, interests, and feelings.

You and your family have some faith:
If your family is interested in raising the child in a correct religious education, make your child join one of their gatherings or activities such as spiritual lessons, lectures, charitable events, camps, and youth groups. Children will learn about faith and the origin of this universe, which will increase their religious and spiritual sense, so when we develop the correct ethical and correct awareness, it will not be affected Your child with any abnormal currents and also that contributes significantly to protecting him from many mistakes and his proximity to God and the science of religion contributes to answering many. Many questions that go through his minds day after day, so make sure your child gets a lot of moral and spiritual support.

Steav168 Author: Steav168

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