Thursday, June 4, 2020

A food plan that helps students study

Parents try to provide the appropriate atmosphere for their children to obtain the best academic results, starting from delivering the proper place for them, and getting a sufficient amount of sleep, through following them and preparing food and drinks, until reaching attention to the most accurate details related to studying.

Proper nutrition is one of the most critical factors that help students focus and achieve academic achievement. The head of the Nutrition Education Unit at the National Institute of Nutrition in Egypt, nutrition consultant Dr. Magdy Nazih, says that there is no specific food that supports students ’intelligence. Still, there is a clear plan for proper nutrition that can help them focus and preserve on a right health level.

He added that the proper nutrition plan depends on several tips, and includes:

Eat the three daily meals regularly without neglecting any of them, and adhere to the deadlines for eating meals.

Avoid relying on whatever is processed in foods and drinks, from processed meats and fast food, through to unnatural and canned beverages, to candy and fried potatoes.

Dependence on nutrition for all that is natural.

Lack of focus on specific foods, and not others, and that the diet is balanced, and includes a fair amount of foods and drinks, which contain proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, sugars, and natural fats, that the body needs, while not neglecting fresh fruits and vegetables because they contain high levels of vitamins and fibers Useful.

Variety of protein sources, meals containing chicken meat, fish and beef, and not focusing on one type of it, in addition to caring for eating legumes, whole grains, and nuts.

Drink enough water during the day, indicating that the body’s water needs are determined according to the temperature of the atmosphere and the person’s movement rate, which is accompanied by high rates of sweating and evaporation. They differ from one person to another, indicating that what determines that is the color of urine, which It should be transparent. If it changes to a dark yellow color, then this is an indication of a lack of water in the body.

Not to overindulge stimulants that contain high levels of caffeine, mainly coffee, tea, soft drinks, and energy drinks, because they increase the standards of the dopamine hormone in the brain and make it alert and do not take a rest, which exposes him to mental stress.

As for feeling tired, the solution is to take a rest, not to take more stimuli, at which time the body will recover, and the brain will work well.

Steav168 Author: Steav168

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