Thursday, June 4, 2020

Exercise four hours after studying makes it easy to remember

A recent Dutch study revealed that exercising four hours after studying helps in the process of recalling the information that was saved.

The researchers explained that the Dundas Medical Institute of the University of Radboud in the Netherlands, that exercise works to secrete memory-stimulating proteins in the brain. They published the results of the study on Friday in the "Current Biology" scientific journal.

The researchers studied 72 people to discover the most appropriate time to exercise after studying, to facilitate the process of recalling the information again after that.

The people were divided into three groups: The first group performed the exercises immediately after studying, while the second performed the tasks after four hours of studying, and these exercises continued on the bike for 35 minutes, while the third did not do any activities after studying.

The study team found that the group that performed the exercise after four hours of studying was the best of the three groups in recalling the information that it studied, two days after the experiment.

MRI images revealed that brain activities related to learning and memory were more evident for this group.

Researchers believe that the chemical compounds that the body produces during physical exercise can help improve memory.

They said that the results of the study show that the proper timing for physical exercise can improve long-term memory.

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